Sunday, March 21, 2010

New Season Begins!

2010 Discstars Tour
Sponsored by Dodo's Disc Golf Shop
Allentown, PA

Opening Day MAY 2nd
Location Lehigh Parkway
Allentown, PA

The Discstars Season will have it's first event on May 2nd and all are welcome. This will be a team event of mixed doubles, so you can blame your early mistakes on someone else in the end. There will be many exciting events and prizes this year as we kick off yet another great disc golf season.


Gunkel said...

I guess its fitting that i have the first post of the discstars league 2010. go to the link to read what i had to say about discstars.!!!!

Gunkel said...

darn the link is dead. hopefully you all know how to copy and paste it in your browser.

Unknown said...

Thanks Gunk! This year is going to be special.

Brad Beckwith said...

Hells yeah this year is going to be special because this guy isn't going to choke at the end like I did last year. Plus any excuse to beat Berkey at his own tourney is very worthwhile. Are you going to be in it still this year, Brian? What about Ondush? I still wanna match up against him.

Dodo's Disc Golf Shop said...

Funny Brad I remember beating you by 8 today at Jordan.

Unknown said...

Pretty much every member from last year will play at least a few exents including me. Expect some crazy stuff as far as tournaments go. I will play when I can get back, but will be instrumental in helping Berkey run this thing smoothly. I can't wait to get out there with you again Brad.

Unknown said...

The event says "mixed doubles". Does that mean male/female team?

Are teams randomly drawn or bring your own?

Anonymous said...

Ondush Here..
Sorry forgot my password, but Hello all...just lettin ya'll know that I will be out at some point this year, but not until after my second daughter is born. Wife is due at the end of May to beginning of June. Ya'll will just have to shape up your games till I arrive. And I do get out, but early in the a.m. when I can play quick, so rust will be removed!

Brad Beckwith said...

Brad = 27 Berkey = 2

Unknown said...

The event will be a random draw mixed doubles. This basically means that the teams will be comprised of people who have just met. All discs will be pooled together in the middle, and random teams will be drawn. This levels the playing field and allows all participants to get a feel for different styles of play. A completely anonymous person will select the teams simply by putting discs together in groups of two.

Unknown said...

MAY 29th

One and Done Tourney

Zach Rex said...

Def. excited for this tournament to start. I plan on making most of the tournaments and I look forward to defending discstars title.

Anonymous said...

Many want a crack at the mighty Rex this year...........many.

Gunkel said...

just to let everyone know that the blue mtn course will reopen on may 22nd and they are in the process of finalizing the base course as well. It will also be ready on may 22nd. 2 nice courses with concrete tees on the same property.. pretty cool.For info and prices go to:

Unknown said...

Keep in mind that this event will be a best disc random doubles tournament.

Jesse Young said...

Hell yeh...2010 season getting ready to start, I had an awesome time playing with everyone last year and definately looking forward to again, see you Sunday!

Dodo's Disc Golf Shop said...

I just wanted to thank everyone who came out to the 1st event for 2010. We had a great turn-out with just over 30 people. We hope to see evryone out on the 29th at Jordan for the one & done.

Sean Ondush said...

had a great time today and it was cool to meet some new peeps..learn some new tecnique and can't wait to try it out. see ya'll soon

Brad Beckwith said...

Great time guys. Thanks for running this thing.
Brad 28
Berkey 2
Zimmerman -4