Wednesday, June 16, 2010

New Rankings

2010 Top Discstars Throwers

1.  Zach Rex  
2.  Brad Hoffman
3.  Denny Barr
4.  Pete Berkey
5.  Pee Yount
6.  Alex Green
7.  John DiSantis Sr.
8.  Rick Ortiz 
9.  Wes Yocum
10.  John DiSantis Jr.
11.  Johnson E. Blaze
12.  Reid Ruhmel
13.  Dan Holmes
14.  Sean Ondush
15.  Brad Beckwith

  If you would like to challenge a top thrower on this board, then call them out by leaving a post on this blog.  We will gladly post the results of your victory if you win and take it in to consideration pending the results of the next Discstars event.


Unknown said...

I would gladly challenge Pete Berkey or New Hot Rookie Brad Hoffman to a match! I believe I can defeat either the course.

Timmy Buck from Bird St said...

I think he could defeat them with either a blindfold on or opposite hand

Dodo's Disc Golf Shop said...

Bring it!!! LOL

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let everybody know I was practicing at Wehrs Dam the other day and shot a -10.

Anonymous said...

That's great......whoever you are

Unknown said...

Thanks for the vote of confidence Timmy.....but let's not get carried away.

Dodo's Disc Golf Shop said...

Gunkle said he is calling everyone on foot faults at the Dam. He is also calling out Zach.

Unknown said...

Who the hell is Gunkel? Lol

Zach Rex said...

Gunkle is calling me out for what? Foot faults?

Anonymous said...

I have never seen you make a foot fault Rex. You win by sinking 15-30 ft. putts regularly.

Gukel said...

No Rex , i meant i was calling you out to end your win streak . Your streak ended - just not by me :(
Our scores of 45,46 and 47 not to shabby though. Thanks for returning my disc. Who was the anonymous poster that said he shot a -10 ? I wonder what he shot on Saturday.

Zach Rex said...

That anonymous poster shot a 46 today haha. The only reason I posted that was to stir up some conversation.

Unknown said...

What a great tournament! Although the field was thinner than others their certainly was all of the top throwers out there. Finally Zach Rex was unseated by the long awaited Jake. I never thought Gunkel would lose either, but I also know he has been a little rusty since his latest break from the sport. All in all a great day!

Sean Ondush said...

Is John E. Blaze related to Blaze Woods, the brother of Tiger Woods? I would definitely like to challenge dat FOO!

Gunkel said...

I'd like to challenge Yount to update the rankings from the wehrs dam event.

peeyount said...

You came in third. There, now it's updated.

Unknown said...

This past season was great. I had the opportunity to meet some great throwers and the prizes Dodos provided were ideal. We met some phenomenal discgolfers this year who bolstered the ranks and made every contest a shootout. We are currently fine tuning the site and league so stay tuned for our many updates in the near future.