Sunday, May 31, 2009

Register Here for TOONi CUP

The TOONi Cup is here!
June 6th
Tee times start @ 10am

The Top 16 ranked discgolfers
must confirm their availability by
no later than 5pm Wednesday, June 3rd
or lose their spot. This is a 16 person invitation

The following discgolfers must confirm here
by wednesday:

1. Pee Yount
2. Denny Barr
3. Jesse Young
4. Sean Ondush
5. Kellen Hartz
6. Zach Rex
7. Eric Spence
8. Walter Ernst
9. Dan McIlhaney
10. Brad Beckwith
11. Tim Buck
12. Greg Englert
13. Mark Heller
14. Sam Yocum
15. Fernando Rojas
16. Jay Bennett

If all 16 slots are not filled by 5pm Wednesday
a post will be left on the blog stating how many slots are available.

The first person to post to the blog will receive that spot.


Walter Ernst said...

I will play in the tooni cup On Saturday the 6th of June

Pee Yount said...

I will be there!!!

gunkel said...

Look at Walter , he's ready to go !!! Does everyone have internet access. If it gets close to wednesday i would call whomever has not responded.

gunkel said...

An interesting fact i thought of when i learned that denny won ( for the second time this year )yesterday was that despite never winning any event this year yount is ranked # 1. The pressure will be on .

Jesse Young said...

Looking forward to it, see you then.

Unknown said...

If I play Denny, you will see why!

Sean Ondush said...

Ondush is in da Howse!!!!! I will be there.

Denny Barr said...

I plan to make it to Jordan on Saturday. It should be interesting depending on who you play on which holes.

timmy buck said...

Timmy Buck will be there hoping to throw a wrench in this tourney.

wes said...

if u need me i will play

Unknown said...

We want you to play wes, If all 16 slots are not filled you are in!

Unknown said...

Remember!!! A post will be left @5pm wednesday stating how many slots are available in the 16 slot tournament. All emails that follow that post will take those slots! So guys like Wes, Ruhmel, Berg, and others must stay tuned to the blog by 5:01pm on to sneak in!

Unknown said...

Six in..........10 more to go!

Kellen Hartz said...

I will be there ready to come from out of the shadows.

gunkel said...

More like out of the closet

wes said...

can i pre post since i dont get home from work till after

Unknown said...

ok wes, we will give you an absentee ballot as the first alternate. You're in!

Now tell your brother to get off his butt and register along with Beckwith.

wes said...

thank u i will let him know

Sean Ondush said...

the good thing is a six hole shootout can go either way...especially when match play is involved. hope the guns are awarmin up, cause the guns will be ablazin'!!!

Anonymous said...

This is Brad...procrastinating, but I will be there and ready for the competition. Should be a blast.

Unknown said...

Many are interested in snagging the final slots, so stay tuned on Wednesday for the final seeding!

If we end up with 24, we will rebracket the tournament to accept more, so encourage other lower ranked members to sign in!

Anonymous said...

This is Sam Y. I will get off my butt and do some damage at the tourney. How does that sound!!!

Brad Beckwith said...

Well Sam we'll see...are you bringing your caddy again?

Anonymous said...

No she working all day so I guess I'll have to carry my own bag. That will get me sooo tired that I will not perform my best. Or I'll just use that as my excuse when I get slaughtered.

Anonymous said...

What tee will we be throwing from on the pond, #7, hole? Long tee, or short tee, where will the penalty shot be from, if the disc lands in the water? Will you designate a drop zone?

Anonymous said...

Your seeding don't make sense. Why is 3 playing 10 and not 14
4 playing 14 not 13
5 playing 11 not 12
6 playing 9 not 11
7 playing 12 not 10
8 playing 13 not 9

what gives? Is it just an error in counting or what?

Jesse Young said...

#3 chiming in...I'm down with playing Sam.

Sean Ondush said...

quit all yer cryin' up n play...throw the water hole, if not give a penalty and throw #3 from the edge of the pond.

Unknown said...

Welcome back Sam!

I look forward to seeing all of you out there. As for the seeding, it honestly does not matter since all of those numbers are within the same caliber. It is not uncommon to mix up the middle seeds. Seeing as this is a double elimination tournament as well, you have equal opportunities to mix it up.

As in our rules, you take one extra stroke for all wet discs......period. If you choose to skip the water and shoot from the drop zone, you will add one penalty stroke. These are 6 hole skins/shootouts with whomever you are paired with.....if both are tied at three holes apiece, whomever is closest to the pin on the final hole after 2shots is the winner. Step it off, be honest, and determine who is the closest. A third party opinion may be given if necessary.

Unknown said...

we will be throwing from all concrete tee pads, and the long tee on the pond. The drop zone will be by the waters edge, where designated and marked.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Zach Rex will be there. Sorry I couldn't make the past events I have been very busy.

Anonymous said...

This is Eric Z. I am definitely in if enough spots open up.

Anonymous said...

Count Pete B. in as well

Anonymous said...

No problem Zach, it only adds to your mystique.

Unknown said...

So far we have :

Pee Yount
Denny Barr(2x champ)
Zach Rex(2x champ)
Sean Ondush
Walter Ernst
Jesse Young
Sam Yocum
Kellen Hartz(Rookie Champ)
Brad Beckwith
Timmy Buck
(Alternate)Wes Yocum

All others will be considered, but only 16 will be accepted if we don't reach 24.

Please remember all who post immediately after 5pm will be seeded in available slots

Wally said...

I feel that I as #8 am not of the same caliber as Mark Heller #13

Unknown said...

Sure Wally, as some have raked in points due to involvement that can be said. But we are talking about 8 verses 9 and 14 verses 12 here. Consistency will always trump the big guns and that is what you have. 90% of the tour can out drive you on a given hole, but many have put entirely too much merit to it which is evidence as you politely collect your pars. Don't underestimate Walter Ernst ladies and gentlemen, he will par you to defeat!

Anonymous said...

Sam Yocum here saying that I think that the lowest half ranked names should go in a hat and the top 8 ranked people draw a name. That way there can be no complaining about who we play. I would like to play someone better than me which is not hard to find. That way it will force me to play better.

Anonymous said...

i'll be out in the field all afternoon and nowhere near a computer. I'd love to play, and am showing up either way, but don't think I'll hit the 5:01 time frame. Who did Wes have to bone to get the first slot in advance? If it's Brian I'll pass.

gunkel said...

coming in august.... disc golf at blue mountain ski lodge.

Unknown said...

The seedings have been in place for many weeks now, and are not going to be modified. They will be shuffled for all upper ranks who do not sign in.

Sean Ondush said...

sam, i hope you play me's good to think i can't compete with you. if you would show up and see the competition, maybe you could comment. Discstars, please do not change my slot competitor. Thanks

Brad Beckwith said...

I don't know Sean...I was originally bracketted against you and am looking forward to the competition.

Anonymous said...

danny mac here...i am in for saturday.

Jay Bennett said...

I am in.......

Unknown said...

Looks like the competition is heating up! Beckwith and Ondush.....that would be a matchup to see, but of course Yocum is no slouch either. We are missing three great ones in the ranks as of now, so anything can happen!

fernando said...

yes, i will play at the tournament on saturday ,.thanks

Erik Spence said...

YO its Erik Spence i am in for the cup

Sean Ondush said...

brad, i believe you and i could be quite a match. I was just a little insulted with sam thinking I couldn't push him to play well. However the chips may fall, may we all have fun, and a good day of hucking discs.

Unknown said...

There is one spot remaining unless we expand to 24. So far 18 have commited!

Unknown said...

the next post which follows will round out the top 16!

reid ruhmel said...


chad shanaberger said...

if theres still spots i'd love to play

brian "the freak throw "gunkel said...

I dont think i will be picking all the bracket winners like i had said before. I just dont know everyone in here. I will say the favorites to win are ... in no particular order , yount, ondush, heller,barr,beckwith ,englert, spence, young and rex. The rest have no shot. I challenge whomever wins the cup the following week on june 13th . If you can beat me i will give you 50 bucks. Am i being cocky ? yeah sure why not.. but i am backing it up with cold hard cash. See you girls on saturday.
My prediction is that heller wins but it could go to any of the others i have listed.

wes said...

this is for reid. i didnt have to bone noone. i dont slide like that bro. dont be jealous that i got the spot. all i had to do was ask. i dont know if u were trying to be funny or what but dont be running around saying stupid crap like that. i dont Appreciate it.

Brad Beckwith said...

Getting a little warm up in here. Gunkel...I can't make the Saturday after the comp, but name the time and place and I'd love to play you. Didn't play so hot this afternoon though...the torrential downpours didn't help

Sean Ondush said...

hey gunkel, good to see your preparing for a gamer..wes, relax bro, reid ain't comin at ya, we're all just playin around here... back to you gunkel...we'll get out either way..bring it on saturday to all you homies...get yer arms ready.....ya'll will need it.

Unknown said...

What a field of throwers! So far we have 19 and need 5 more to rebracket. So Mandy, Randy, Nick, Ryan, Mark, and any others need to check in by tomorrow night.

The final seedings will be done and posted by Friday morning.

Unknown said...

My Power Rankings have Rex, Beckwith, Ondush, or Barr winning it.

Brad Beckwith said...

Put yourself on that list too Mr. Yount. Anybody's game.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Predictions:

1. Pee or Barr will reign victorious.

2. Less than 6 in the field will safely conquer the frog pond hole.

gunkel said...

i could kick a disc over that small frog pond hole but i agree that less than 6 six of you weenie arms will make it over.

Brad Beckwith said...

Count me in for over the pond. I did leave a couple of disks in there about 10 years ago...pretty doubtful they are still in there. Did play today and the water is a little high after the recent rains...also there are all sorts of new "unoffical water hazards" all over the course. Should be a messy good time.

Unknown said...

you could'nt even walk around that pond with that bum hip, ass, shoulder, and back of yours let alone kick a disc over it.Lol!

Sean Ondush said...

don't expect a free pass from me on the pond..if ya drop in the zone...thanks for the hole...hope you also can make it up #10 in 2 two, cause 3-4 will be in my book for that also....just offering saving your arms if you have me after the first six....

Anonymous said...

I think I'm starting to hear the Rocky theme song.

Unknown said...

This is the last day for any late entrants. So far it looks like we will be staying at 16, unless five new throwers sign up today!

gunkel said...

my winner pick ( heller ) wont play so i guess i will pick ........ Ondush to win. He is talking confident. He says he will score a 3 or a 4 on heart attack hill. I am offering a bounty on that hole. At last weeks ammo with my still bad shoulder and now bad hip i was limping around the whole tournament but i did manage to score a 3 on heart attack hill hole # 10. My bounty is that if anyone scores a 3 on that hole i will give them 20 bucks on the spot and give them a pat on the back and say " atta boy!"

gunkel said...

I am confident the money will stay in my pocket unless you guys rape and rob me .

Anonymous said...

Sam Y here saying to SM022 that I did not say that nobody could compete with me. I simply stated that its not hard to find someone better than me. Do you now understand? I like playing against somebody better, it's more of a challenge.

Brad Beckwith said...

With your bad hip/shoulder/whatever a little rape/robbert should be pretty easy.

Brad Beckwith said...

Wow...Ondush. It sounds like you got a heck of an arm. Maybe you could put it to work polishing my Tooni cup trophy for me next week.

Sean Ondush said...

ya'll are, i hear ya...i'm sure i'll lay an egg with all this pressure now put on me...should be a fun soggy day after all this rain.

wes said...

i talked to mandy but she is out for sat

wes said...

all this talk about who is going to win and what not will be interesting on sat. i know i am not winning but i am gonna give it my all. so whoever i am planning against if u r beating me i might just have to kick u down the hill only joking. just looking at having some fun. oh some people have been asking me if the tournys will continue after sat?

Unknown said...

The tourney's will continue, but not until the spring when the new tour begins. I am moving to New York City immediately after the cup and must redirect my focus on a few other projects. The blog will still be open for everyone to contact one another regarding upcoming matches, as well as information about local courses. A competition system is planned for the beginning of next year, as well as a longer tour. I can't thank you all enough for making this year a blast, and also can't say enough about all the multiple levels of talent I have witnessed.

I plan to leave my arm on that course on Saturday, so if you are hucking with me.........Pack a lunch, it's going to be a long day!

Sean Ondush said...

Maybe we can plan a mini-tour for the end of summer into the fall. Brad, Wes, and your crew...shoot me an email at so we have each others contact to give a heads-up on where you might play...also, if you plan of staying in toon with discstars, we can do it here..better that way.

Bradley Beckwith said...

My lunch is beer...

Unknown said...

So is it just the 16.

gunkel said...

pete show up anyway . if 24 total show up on saturday yount just might include the extra players.

Unknown said...

Unfortunately Pete, we did not have enough players to field the 24 man bracket, but we still welcome you to play along. This is unfortunate, as I know some of you were left out, and you and Eric were certainly close enough in the rankings. I don't want you to show up and be dissapointed when we are three short so I have to pull the plug on it now. The offer was there, but only the two of you responded. This tournament is designed to bracket the most elite involved members of the tour and pit them in direct competition with one another, as I am sure you two can hang, and defeat many of us, we have to even out the bracket at either 16 or 24 to seed everybody. This sux and I tried to give every effort to expand it, but the tournament will, and always will be from now on.....the final 16. I hope you do not take this personal, as it was never intended that way.

gunkel said...

yeah pete like i said before, take a hike .

Unknown said...

not at all i completely understand.

Sean Ondush said...

did someone say BEER?!

chad said...

give me a call pete cause like 8 pf us are going to jordan on saturday to play a real game of disc golf. Not this play six holes and syop cause my arm hurts stuff. Good luck brad

gunkel said...

actually by looking at the bracket the winner will have played 36 holes in total for the day. If each and every match is 6 holes the winner will play 6 matchups.

Anonymous said...

Tomorrow should be fun with all this rain. That pond will be ever harder to get over.

gunkel said...

alright, i just filled out my bracket. This will be a long day for you guys. You will be playing 6 holes and then report back to hole 1 to get your next matchup. there will be some waiting around for others to finish their matchups. I suggest that yount should put the guys in twosomes and nothing more. this will allow for the fastest playing time possible. If things go the way i forsee then i am picking only one person to go undefeated throughout the whole thing. Some have easier matchups while others seem to have bad luck of the draw. One guy that gets hard matchups throughout is eric spence. i think walt and jesse will fare well but will fall short just before the quarterfinal rounds. In 4th place i have brad .
In 3rd place i have denny losing to zach in the semifinals and zach losing in the finals to the only person i have going perfect in the competition, Sean Ondush.
In an earlier match i have jesse beating zach but then jesse runs out of steam in the later rematch between the 2. I have pee yount winning his opening round against reid but then he gets frazzled from all the bracket updating he will be doing so i have walt sneaking past him in round 2. I have tim winning one match but then gets eliminated by pee.

gunkel said...

here is a fact... If all matchups indeed remain 6 holes throughout that means if a player goes undefeated throughout he will have played a total of 30 holes. However if a player loses one matchup but still yet wins the cup just by losing that one matchup he will have to play a total of 48 holes. I suggest all you sidearm tomahawkers out there pace yourselves. If you have a backhand shot use it .. The backhand is less stressful on the shoulder and elbow for most.
Good luck i will be at the parkway early in the day but will go to jordan to check out how things are going later.

Unknown said...

Ah Gunkel, please consult me before you dictate how we will be playing......Lol!

We will be heading out in twosomes to pace play, but WILL NOT be heading back to hole one.

After you win or lose, you will first wait at hole six, for your opponent to get to the hole.....this way we will have twosomes constantly going through. The pairings will line up so players will wait primarily only for the winner behind them to pass through, while the losers immediately pair up and move on to their next 6 holes. I will brief everyone on the rules tomorrow before tee off, and plan on releasing the starting tee off's on the blog tonight. Yes......this will be fun.....and yes.....many holes, but if you are to take this $300 crystal trophy off of my hands, it's not going to be a lay-up kind of day at Covered Bridge. Rain or Shine! be ready.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy the cool rain tonight........stops by 4am, then Sun, Sun, and more sun tomorrow. 66 by tee off and no precipitation. The pond will be high, and you can probably kiss any discs in the creek goodbye.

Brad Beckwith said...

Stop feeding Ondush's ego...He seemed to light up at the mention of beer so maybe I'll just get him drunk first...that's fair right? What do you drink anyway?

Jesse Young said...

I'm looking forward to proving Gunkel's predictions wrong...taking his $20 for whole #3 ...and $50 the Saturday after!

Anonymous said...

Hey Wes, hopefully there won't be a replay of me since it will be muddy at jordan. LOL

Sean Ondush said...

i drink miller lite mr, beer, beer...but not until after the day is complete... i would expect a sloppy course with much mud and far as my ego, well don't worry bout take is everyone i play will in my mind be like playing a pro..keep the blinders on, and until i see enough holes in my favor, no backing off. should be fun, can't wait!! see ya all early!!

Brad Beckwith said...

Miller light may be too expensive for my Pabst loving pallet, but it should be a blast..and yes I am down for as many get togethers or touneys that you guys want to play this summer. Good competition pushes me and my game so I'm in.

Anonymous said...

concrete pads and tee signs on every has Jordan come a long way. No more falling flat on my face to my friends enjoyment.

wes said...

i saw the tourny sheet and saw that i have to play denny. watch out denny i am comin for u! i dont think i will do any good but hopefully i can take luck over skill cause thats whats it is going ot take for me to get by. good luck

Brad Beckwith said...

Blah Blah Blah...Wes. You sound like a little girl. I've played with you and you have plenty of skill. Don't beat yourself up. YOu sound like Debbie Downer.

wes said...

yeah yeah brad. u i can kick cause i know everyone else i need luck. i should do ok but we will see. good luck and see u tomorrow

Unknown said...

We are going to start this thing off with the following flights in order:

1. Ruhmel vs. Yount
2. W. Yocum vs. Barr
3. McIlhaney vs. Ernst
4. Beckwith vs. Spence
5. S. Yocum vs. Hartz
6. Buck vs. Rex
7. Rojas vs. Ondush
8. Bennett vs. Young

Anonymous said...

wake up Specialist its time for your ass whoopin....

gunkel said...

who won ?

wes said...

first of all congrats to rex for the win. if anyone ever wants to still get together and play email me at or give me a call. 4842211891. i try to play every weekend some where.