Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Saturday Morning Disc Golf 03/21 ?

We would like to play best disc doubles this Saturday morning, and would like to know all who are interested, and which course they would prefer. As it is early in the season, and it is a bit mucky out there, DeSalles has become an interesting option for the morning match. Please respond if you are interested in joining us. Time/Location To be determined through Blog.


Sean Ondush said...

let me know when

Unknown said...

We will be playing Saturday morning @ roughly 10am at DeSalles Universities course. Some would like to play doubles, but we will make that decision when we get there. It looks to be a great day to huck some discs.

gunkel said...

i am looking forward to throwing some discs with everyone at desales on saturday. I was at hacketts park today in easton and the tees are in good shape not muddy at all.

Unknown said...

I would love to meet one afternoon at Hackett's. I have heard mixed reviews about the course, but have never played it.

Sean Ondush said...

how bout wednesday morning??

gunkel said...

pee if you wanna play at hacketts at 9 am on wednesday let me know. On the weekdays that is the only time for me to start a round. I myself dont really care for hacketts but that is just one opinion. I will give you an email showing the 100 or so courses i have played and where i rank them so maybe you can fit one or 2 in the schedule.

Unknown said...

who farted?

Unknown said...

That was an impressive round today.

gunkel said...

let me know about this wednesday morning at hacketts. It was nice to meet sean (smo22). I will email driving directions because there are 2 different sections of hackett park in easton.

Unknown said...

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Sean Ondush said...

I was very impressed with the crowd today..i think some practice is much needed for some catchin up, but can't wait to get these gunslingers into the forest.... i had fun and can't wait to play again...

gunkel said...

i wont be throwing this wednesday at hacketts. maybe thursday.