Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Great Discgolf!

Another Great Opening Event!
Lehigh Parkway Random Doubles
May 2nd

What a great day for disc golf as Disc Stars Veteran Jay Bennett and Mr. VW himself rocked the course shooting a collective 5 under par. The field was very competitive with many first time throwers showing more talent than we have ever seen. I personally witnessed flicks and tomahawks that were unbelievable, only later to learn that the young Northampton arm throwing it had only played 7 times before the event. This next one is an individual event, and surely will thin out the champions from the pack. Great day by all. See you Memorial Day weekend!


Gunkel said...

It's a shame i dont play anymore or i'd get this message board rolling.

Unknown said...

Yes it truly is a shame Lord Gunkel