Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Current Followers Feedback

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What did you love and what did you hate
about the discstars tour in the past.  Most importantly,
how do you wish to see change.


Anonymous said...

There were way too many people shaving strokes this year. Every time I threw one of my best rounds I always got burned by some guy that I beat like 20 times before. We need a way to referee this.

Anonymous said...

Golf is a gentlemans game disc golf should be no different.

Skeeter said...

well said

Sean Ondush said...

Playing head-to-head will show a better gage of talent in the field. Cheating won't happen when you're playing 5 people at once. Less tournaments, with more meaning, and handicapping will hopefully follow due to a points driven system from head-to-head challenges where your total doesn't matter but to da foo's you playin!!

Unknown said...

Shaving strokes is unfortunately a common trait of up and coming championship quality players. Most of all, Discstars caters to mostly this group. Sure we have our top flight players whom have collected a few discgolf trophies here and there, but our league is mostly comprised of very good players. Believe me as I write this, it is of the utmost important to us in the Discstars league to straighten this thing out.