Friday, March 25, 2011

#5 Reid Ruhmel

# 5 Reid Ruhmel

Reid is one of the strongest left handed throwers around.  Every drive comes with a ton of power and usually holds a straight line to the pin.  Crafty shooter with a whole tool bag of shots, Reid has long been one of our greatest competitors to date.


gunk said...

Even though i am right handed, i challenge Reid to a lefty vs lefty match at wehrs dam.

gunk said...

I get to putt with my right hand.

Reid said...

sound good to me.

gunk said...

who do you think would be favored to win and by how many throws ?

Reid said...

I'm not a gambler or odds expert. Would imagine you'd be favored until i prove i can beat you.

wehrs dam? is that covered bridge park? that course and i don't agree. last time there i had 8 birdies and still finished +3.

gunk said...

Since i would be using my non throwing arm i would say you would be favored by about 5 strokes. I think i can out distance you left vs left but accuracy with the my left will most likely hurt me .