Saturday, August 27, 2011

Hurricane Irene

Hurricane Irene is pounding the east coast as we speak, bringing heavy rains and major flooding to our area, and more importantly, to our DISC GOLF COURSES.

To anyone who gets out to play in the next week or two, PLEASE lend a hand in removing any garbage, or brush that may have swept up onto our courses.

It takes a major commitment to keep these parks clean, and with such a huge storm, we will all feel the impact throughout our gameplay.

Thanks to all who check in on the Blog, and to all who give a little, which will help a lot.


Reid Ruhmel said...

Aye Aye Captain

Unknown said...

After a few days on the course, Ryan and Aaron cleaned up a lot of debris at covered bridge while Achey and i surveyed the damage at South mountain. The damage wasn't that bad, but watch yourself as there is a large falling tree that is leaning over the practice basket. The huge trees in the forest at S.M. are definitely a sight to see.

Gunkel said...

Are you guys having an end of the year challenge. Pastor jeff's course is open to the public again.