Friday, January 27, 2012

Winter Wonderland

This winter has been very mild, and we have been very lucky to get in a lot of awesome rounds. This is just one of the wintery rounds we have come across this season. South Mountain was nice at this point, but as the day went on, 10" fell upon the Valley. Members in this Picture include the Top 2 throwers in the league, as well as an up and comer. John Disantis is on the left carrying his 200 plus victory record. Master Pee, our league's Coordinator and Inventor, is on the right sporting his Eagles Jersey and almost 150 wins. Brian Ackey is ready to launch, and Sean Ondush is on the Camera.

We hope to see ya'll on the courses this year, as DiscStars new Season is just around the corner.

1 comment:

Scrooge Yount said...

Gotta love the winter golf. The frozen fingers, the falling and missing by a mile on several close shots.......Bah humbug.