Sunday, March 15, 2009

Who would you like to challenge for their ranking?

Select any of our members that you would like to challenge in an upcoming match.


Unknown said...

I would love to play Brian Gunkel in an upcoming match. After playing him several times, I have lost to him several times, and finally beat him in a Tooni championship match at Francis E. Walter Dam. Since then we have both suffered injuries, and I believe I still have the edge to chase further down our rankings.

gunkel said...

i dominated the league for a year then unknown to you i let you win because i thought it would create a "buzz" in the stagnant league. Yes you and i have injuries. The only difference is that you can still use your throwing arm and i cant . So my challenge in return to you is that if i beat you with my off hand you must kiss the bottom of both of my shoes. I say this knowing i cant win and that i just lost to a guy that is currently ranked 9th when i would always beat that same guy by 20. The great one has fallen. Watch me rise.

gunkel said...

and i like how no votes were cast my way as the best.. how quickly one forgets of the ass beatings i delivered to you all.

Unknown said...

anytime, anyplace gentlemen.
I may not be allowed to skate, bicycle, kayak or ski for 18 months now, but you can bet your arses I've been hucking discs.
I still only bring 1 ultra long range disc. So I guess I'll always stink, but I'll have fun with the best of you. Let's go! I'm here. now. for a bit.

Unknown said...

I would absolutely love to see Micah out there, and believe he still has the ability to creep into the top 10. As for Gunkels, letting me win......Ha! You still showed up with your lucky Zubaz pants on Mary. You just did'nt have the gas in the tank. Sure I'll kiss the shoes, and I'll even post the picture.

gunkel said...

YOUNTster, you know how i can prove i rigged it for you to win ??? remember about a month afterwards i challenged you to a championship match at the parkway? You reluctently agreed and when i beat you by at least 7 strokes i said and i quote " keep the belt ". i remember looking at you and you seemed relieved and as i remember it you never posted the result of the whipping i gave you that day. start your lip exercises and pucker up. you are kissing the shoes that i wear right now.

Unknown said...

what you are referring to rather cleverly, is the day that I said I would play you despite my wrecked elbow. Because much like your competitive nature, I play no matter what, and yes you did beat a lame Yount whom could have thrown it farther with his left foot that day. So congratulations Mary. The belt is yours. I still am sore, still have some rust.....but unlike you, I have yet to make a story of excuses behind my performance. Just play me with your limp noodle of an arm.....lose, and invent reason #658 of how you are so dominant that you choose when to lose and win.

gunkel said...

lets play somewhere this weekend . i'll bring a couple of guys and we can do random draw doubles. who knows maybe you and i might team up.

Unknown said...

sounds good. Most of the courses are a swamp. Some of the guys would like to play South Mountain again if that is in the cards for you. At least it's a little shorter so it will be easier on the arm for you. Let me know and I'll post it.

gunkel said...

Even with the arm problem i still prefer the bigger courses . So instead of me saying the parkway how about a compromise and lets say jordan ? I helped put in the concrete tee pads there and have not even played it that much since that time. In april i am going to charlotte for a week with some golfers and will be playing on a 9500 foot course and a 10,000 foot course and about 6 or so others so i need to train the left arm for that now instead of the smaller stuff. Dont your discs get all banged up from those south mountain rocks anyways?
how about playing nockamixon and then desales afterwards ? I will let it up to you but i would prefer a course where you can air it out a little.

Unknown said...

I'll have to check with some of the other guys, but I believe Jordan is still a swamp, but DeSalles sounds interesting.

Sean Ondush said...

i heard that some people are tryin to learn how huck it lefty.. i can help with that...i vow to give up spot to anyone above me.. WHO HAS DA BALLS TO BRING ME YER SPOT...TOP 5 MAYBE

gunkel said...

smo22 i will be at hacketts park on wednesday morning at 9 am if you want the number 2 spot come get it but save the advice on how to throw lefty,,, i dont need it.

Sean Ondush said...

way to challenge me on a normal persons' work day, when normal people have to report to a job..big step forward MR #2

gunkel said...

i really was not challenging you. Basically i said i would be at a place at a certain time and if you wanted to play then you could have showed up. i was going to be there whether or not you wanted to be. I start work at noon so that is why i said that time. I guess we will be playing doubles at desales on saturday morning so maybe i will see you then. Afterwards we can go to nockamixon and battle for the number 2 spot.

Sean Ondush said...

it'll be nice to just get out and play..i can only play desales..but at least we can all have a good time..i haven't thrown a disc in at least 2 years, but i'm sure it can't be too hard to remember...bein' a rookie n all

gunkel said...

yeah i have not thrown one in 5 years. maybe we will be doubles partners and show em all how it's done.

Sean Ondush said...

as of right now i have next wednesday off...any interest in just playin to play...please holla'

gunkel said...

next wednesday i will be at the parkway at 9:30.

Unknown said...

I think I'd like to play a course with shorter holes to start, especially while tuning up for the big tour schedule release date of DISCSTARS being on the 27th.(sorry had to plug that in) I wouldn't mind a couple courses, but I'm not quite ready for the parkway yet.

Unknown said...

yes.....I am a pus, and the parkway scares me.

gunkel said...

Oh boy, i have a feeling the vast majority of the courses on the march 27th schedule are going to be the short ones.

Unknown said...

No their are many long ones, including the parkway, and tinicum.

Sean Ondush said...

where we meeting at this joint??

gunkel said...

for those that dont quite know where the disc course is at on the desales property you can meet me here at preston lane and landis mill road
center valley, pa. 18034
at 9:45 saturday morning.

Unknown said...

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Gunkel said...

I received an email saying that someone posted a message on this thread but they are all from 2009 ( 4 years ago)