Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Saturday April 24th @ South Mountain

Conquer the Mountain
Saturday April 24th 10am start
South Mountain, Bethlehem, PA

This week we find ourselves trying to conquer the frustrating South Mountain trees. This event should prove exciting, with several top throwers unable to make the trip (Rex, Barr, etc.) and a whole flood of rookies showing up, it should be a key way for some top guys to sneak into the top ten or advance.
Every time I play this course, it's either -1 or +15 on the scorecard, and very seldom in between. Leave the sandals at home! This is a rocky course.



gunkel said...

Shooter does not have a computer so i told him about it and he will most likely be there.

Sean Ondush said...


Unknown said...

Thanks Brian, I would definitely love to see him there. I know Kellen, Spence, Young, and several others will be there as well.

wally said...

I plan on being there

Unknown said...

Looks like the field is becoming more competitive. Should be a good one on Saturday.

Tee Time 10amWinner gets a choice of Star Plastic Driver from Innova
provided by LSDiscs

Unknown said...

As understood, Hartz, Yount, Spence, Young, Ondush, Berg, Englert, and several others are in for Saturday.

Sean Ondush said...

dannymac will be there

Unknown said...

66 degrees @ tee-off, and 80 degrees by 1pm. 5-9mph wind.

Anonymous said...

Any predictions on the top 5 yet?

Unknown said...

Unfortunately Eric Spence got into a car accident and won't be able to make it. He is Ok, but needs some time to find a new ride and recouperate. and on another note, he is not the anonymous comment writer.

gunkel said...

say what homey fresh... i never accused him.
get well Spence.

Anonymous said...

homey fresh, I haven't heard that since 8th grade.

Anonymous said...

My predictions

1. Ondush, 2. Beckwith, 3. Yount, 4. Young, 5. Englert

gunkel said...

so i guess you're in 9th grade then ?

gunkel said...

yount will win.

Unknown said...

Sorry Gunkel, I couldn't buy a putt today.

Sean Ondush said...

If I could play the front to what I usually do, I would have smoked it out there today...I finished the back at even, but just couldn't catch a break after smacking the disc off the front of the pins.

gunkel said...

you are getting closer to the top. keep practicing and you'll get there.

Unknown said...

thanks, I'll try.

gunkel said...

i meant smo22. yount you'll never get to the top. ha.